Donate to Missouri Connections for Health
How will my donation be used?
Your donation will be used to help Missouri Connections for Health achieve our mission and vision! For example:
- $50 can provide one housing assessment for a family/individual experiencing a housing crisis.
- $50 can provide one counseling session to explain insurance options or assist in completing applications for various benefits for clients.
- $100 covers part of the cost of an outreach event to help us reach hard-to-reach Missourians.
All our services are free, so we rely on grants and donations to carry out our mission.
VISION: Missouri Connections for Health aspires to be the trusted resource helping individuals and communities maximize access to healthcare, housing, and additional benefits.
MISSION: Missouri Connections for Health assists individuals in navigating and accessing healthcare, housing, and other benefits. We educate and empower communities to make informed health decisions that create a healthier Missouri.
Thank you for your support!